Results Apex bot

Update Apex: 29/12

* Timezone support -> set your timezone in the user settings page
* New Bases: XRP, TUSD, USDC
* Add symbols to triggers: BTCUSDC, ETHUSDC, BNBUSDC

These are my results of the last 10 days using APEX and my own custom-made strategy on my test account.

This gives you an idea of what is possible with the bot. But keep in mind it takes time and effort to fine-tune the bot (any bot for this matter).

Start with a small amount on a live account (test is never really representative of live results but you can start with a test account while fine-tuning the strategy) and don’t make the same mistake I made with the panic trigger make sure you set that up correctly if needed ask on the Discord group. A panic trigger sells everything on a sudden drop of BTC (or ETH) so you don’t end up with bags. You’ll get some losses that way but you’ll still be able to buy in again at the bottom and continue trading.

Remember to set the panic trigger to the highest priority because it gets evaluated first (1 being the lowest)

Start with an existing strategy then continue to fine-tune it, that’s the best way to start.

For more info regarding APEX check:

The above references an opinion and is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice and may contain affiliate links. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment advice.




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